Monday, December 16, 2019

Mission 3: Methodology

When the final mission was giving I really had no idea what topic i wanted to pick even after researching each one and reading the briefs multiply times eventually after asking around and some more research we deciding on mapping but then we where faced with the dilemma of what will we do a map about we bounced around from idea to idea from sports to history to books and TV shows we eventually settled on a real map the Colleges and University of Dublin. So were going to write out a list of all the colleges where going to use and some info about each one and then voice recorded some info about each one we plan on making sort of a info graphic video about the multiple colleges  of Dublin with the audio file over it sort of like a Vox video hopefully it turns out to be something like one anyway. it has to be ten minutes long not worried to much about filling the time we've got lots of information about the college on there websites and the internet in general so that should be easy. I've done some research already and most of the colleges or University have a history page on there websites so i think where just going to take most of information from these pages, so far I wouldn't say my premier pro skills are the best so I'm going to have to do a lot of research to be able to make a video I'm happy with. In terms of the work load myself and Cormac are going to split the selected colleges in half and then get our own information about each one then recorded ourselves talking about each one we will use a voice recorder app that we downloaded on the app store that will allow us save our recordings as mp3 files to our google drive so its easy to transfer them to premier pro. On the CDM online website there is some suggested tools like map makers we looked at a couple of these but where not sure which one we will use if we us any even. looking forward to making the video and seeing how it turns out

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Mission 3: Methodology

When the final mission was giving I really had no idea what topic i wanted to pick even after researching each one and reading the briefs m...