Monday, December 16, 2019

Mission 3: Methodology

When the final mission was giving I really had no idea what topic i wanted to pick even after researching each one and reading the briefs multiply times eventually after asking around and some more research we deciding on mapping but then we where faced with the dilemma of what will we do a map about we bounced around from idea to idea from sports to history to books and TV shows we eventually settled on a real map the Colleges and University of Dublin. So were going to write out a list of all the colleges where going to use and some info about each one and then voice recorded some info about each one we plan on making sort of a info graphic video about the multiple colleges  of Dublin with the audio file over it sort of like a Vox video hopefully it turns out to be something like one anyway. it has to be ten minutes long not worried to much about filling the time we've got lots of information about the college on there websites and the internet in general so that should be easy. I've done some research already and most of the colleges or University have a history page on there websites so i think where just going to take most of information from these pages, so far I wouldn't say my premier pro skills are the best so I'm going to have to do a lot of research to be able to make a video I'm happy with. In terms of the work load myself and Cormac are going to split the selected colleges in half and then get our own information about each one then recorded ourselves talking about each one we will use a voice recorder app that we downloaded on the app store that will allow us save our recordings as mp3 files to our google drive so its easy to transfer them to premier pro. On the CDM online website there is some suggested tools like map makers we looked at a couple of these but where not sure which one we will use if we us any even. looking forward to making the video and seeing how it turns out

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Review of Mission 2: Culture 

After completing our tasks I prepared the presentation the three of us were happy with the outcome of the mission Daniel made videos inspired by his favourite YouTubers Casey Nistat and Sam Kolder and Lateef talked about the history and evolution of YouTubers. While researching the mission I found out a lot about how the content we view if all suited to the individual and you can end up in your own little bubble where you only see what you want to see, stuff that just enforcers your already set beliefs that can sort of explain how trends like flat earth get so big I also learned about how search algorithms for lots of different apps can effect the view of the general population and that there is a conspiracy that Donald Trump used  social media algorithms to help him get elected.
I pretty happy with my results of my experiment they showed how to algorithm word even with a low amount of data from the searches. I was still able to show how the algorithm works if i did it again I would have more topic searches for each account so the search could offer me even better results when making my common searches. out of all my common searches America Egypt and Ireland, Egypt was the least diverse the results where mostly all related to ancient Egypt but I had a feeling that would happen since its such a large topic. The presentation went great except for one thing the way we presented as in the order we did it we had our videos at the end when it would of been more interesting to have them in the middle but besides from that we did a good job and got excellent in our mission 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Mid Mission Report 

After speaking with Daniel and Lateef we've decided on our individual tasks for the project I made my action plan for mine with my tasks and what order ill do them in. I've seen Daniel videos and they look great i'm really looking forward to presenting them I know that they will put our presentation above the others hopefully get full marks in the mission too. I'm currently putting all the slides together while keeping in mind where we fell sort on the last mission dont want to make the same mistakes   

First I made a table of all the topics that I'm going to search on YouTube on each account then i made each account 
  1. John Smith-Politics 
  2. Micheal Johnson-Sports
  3. Peter Power-Geography 
each of the names listed above is a google/YouTube account and I will do a minimum of 9 searches on each account on the chosen topic and then do 3 common searches on each account and review the results. The search results should vary from account to account since the previous searches on each account have been different.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Mission 2: Culture 

A lot more excitement for this mission compared to the last one maybe is cause I know whats involved and what needs to be done. Myself Lateef and Daniel have teamed since we all had interest in the YouTube topic. We sat down for about 2 hours and decided what we are going to aim for and and to split the tasks to make sure no one overlaps and does the same thing. Daniel had all the video Equipment so he was happy to take on that responsibility, I am going to do a algorithm experiment to show how YouTube pushes you content and Lateef is going to gather information about YouTube like the History its influence and its future we also want to have the main focus of the mission about YouTubers and how they operated and how they've grown since without them YouTube wouldn't be where it is today without them. so at the end of the mission that's where we'd like to be a presentations about the growth of YouTubers and the algorithms and how they use it

I found a couple of articles about the algorithm to help me understand it even more it even had a lot about the history of it too and how it changed and evolved and why i feel like ill take a lot from this article and that it will have even more references that will have more benefit

A look back on our First Mission 

After completing the mission and thinking about how the mission went overall I've realised I've learned a lot about digital audio and how it has grown in the last 50 years. I found it most interesting about how it completely took over analogue from vinyls to tapes to CD's to eventually streaming. i noticed that it took along time to get where we are now in terms of digital audio or even technology so many little steps to get to this point 

Since it was also our first mission i learned a lot about how the module operates and whats expected from you in each mission and i'm looking forward to the next mission to hopefully get a higher grade, i found out that the best thing to do when you don't know what to do is to just get something down and just keep making it better and better till you've your finished product. but there are somethings I would of changed about our presentation for instance we could of had more pictures to complement our paragraphs and some screen shots of us using audacity we missed out on a opportunity there also we would of liken to get more time on the software and get some good results. what we ad at the end the comparison between the unedited file and the edited file was good but it could of been better   

enough of the negatives but myself and Moe were a body short on the mission but we still produced a good presentation and i feel we did above average i terms of the class

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Digital Audio Project 

For our first assignment for Intro to digital media myself and Moe decided to pick the Digital Audio mission one of the main reasons why is because of Moe's history using the recommended software like Audacity for ending videos for his YouTube channel after him explaining how the software works and what it capable of I was eager to start.

In our presentation we hope to go over briefly the history of audio and follow the evolution of radio into podcasts and how and why its evolved the way it did and its place in society today

After assessing the pros and cons of the mission we came up with problems we might have but we couldn't think think of any major possible problems. at the end of the presentation we hope the audience has a good understanding of the possibility of the audio software, the past of digital audio and its future   
we looked into different types of software that we can use for the mission we found audacity so we're going to have some type of demonstration of the software in use give some type of crash course or something like that 

Monday, October 7, 2019

Introduction to a future I'm not sure yet

Post about me should start with my name, so here it is 
Cian Power currently living in Finglas with my family. I went to St Kevins Ballygal and did my leaving cert in 2016. The past year and a half I've been living abroad with family in Singapore and Australia working as a floor fitter, while I was away I also visited Vietnam and Cambodia and got to see Angkor Wat and Hanoi city was such a good experience learning all about the history of the temple. While working in  Australia I got to experience the construction industry and realized it is not for me, so i decided to go back to college. I decided on digital media because of my interest in media content overall and also the experience I have with coding is very good so after a little research I applied for this course and got it
When I'm not in college I train Jui Jitsu 4 nights a week I started training a couple of months ago and I'm really enjoying it my other interests are MMA and chicken filet rolls (butter and mayo spicy chicken)

At the end of this course I'm not really sure what I want to do maybe something in film and television or maybe something in marketing and advertising I'm sure ill make up my mind eventually after completing a couple of modules

btw this is my dog

Mission 3: Methodology

When the final mission was giving I really had no idea what topic i wanted to pick even after researching each one and reading the briefs m...